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HobbySeeds | Tree Shrub Flower Seeds

Superior beauty and a spreading evergreen canopy give this shade or street tree good looks in ever..

Southwestern White Pine is native to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and into Mexico. In the U.S. it w..

The most frost-resistant of all varieties. Also superfast growing with even more narrow crown. Also ..

The Asian pear is among the most delicious of all fruits, particularly fresh off the tree. The fru..

This is certainly one of the most beautiful of the North American deciduous trees. Eastern redbud ..

Very close to extinct in it's native China this is one of the worlds rarest trees and is a close r..

Japanese apricot is one of the glories of late winter. Delicate, lightly fragrant blossoms cover i..

Distinguished by its fine-textured summer leaves and its informal spreading habit, honeylocust is ..