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HobbySeeds | Tree Shrub Flower Seeds

Crimsoneyed rosemallow is a wonderful hardy hibiscus for large summer gardens. This semi-woody speci..

Golden rain tree is a small to medium sized deciduous tree native to China and Korea. The overall ..

Decorative pyramidal shape. More resistant than Pinus nigra.A close relative of Bosnian pine, this..

Pyramidal shape as it matures - a nice formal planting. Has bluish green foliage whose tips turn ..

This is a tough shade tree that grows in a wide range of soils. This tree may be used as a lawn tr..

Pyracantha crenulata or Crataegus Crenulata is a species of Firethorn. It is cultivated as an orna..

Akebia is a genus of approximately five species of woody climbers native to China, Japan and Korea..

This beloved short-lived perennial has been heavily hybridized and is a favorite cool season beddi..